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Rene J P  Musters

Rene J P Musters

VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Title: Ultrasound microbubbles: unique vehicles for targeted delivery of therapeutic molecules


Biography: Rene J P Musters


The development of ultrasound contrast agents containing encapsulated microbubbles has increased the possibilities not only for diagnostic imaging, but also for therapeutic applications. Microbubbles have been shown to be able to carry drugs and genes, and destruction of the microbubbles by targeted ultrasound results in local release of their therapeutic contents. Furthermore, ligands as well as nanoparticles can be attached to microbubbles so that they can be targeted to a specific target tissue or even target cells. In this presentation, recent advances of ultrasound microbubbles as vehicles for delivery of therapeutic molecules will be highlighted.

After adding antagomiR to positively charged microbubbles, microbubble-antagomiR complexes are formed.

HL-1 cells treated with ultrasound microbubbles.