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Bruno Sarmento

Bruno Sarmento

University of Porto, Portugal


Bruno Sarmento completed his PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology and degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal; Affiliated Researcher at Institute of Investigation and Innovation in Health (i3S) and Institute of Biomedical Engineering (INEB), University of Porto, Portugal; Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Technology at IUCS, Gandra, Portugal. His current research is focused on the development of functionalized nanomedicines and their application in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields. In particular, nanoformulations of biopharmaceutical drugs with interest in diabetes, cancer and infectious diseases. He has also specialized in mucosal tissue engineering models to validate functionalized nanomedicines and to perform in vitro/in vivo correlation. He published more than 160 papers in international peer reviewed (ISI) journals, most in top journals (Q1 in Pharmaceutical Sciences; Q1 in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; total citations 3350; accumulated impact factor 627; H-index 29), 34 book chapters and more than 180 proceedings. He edited 4 books, participated in more than 50 invited/selected talks in national and international meetings and was awarded several distinctions. He is member of the Editorial Advisory Board of 10 international journals and has acted as referee for top-ranked journals in his area of expertise, and for international funding agencies.


Abstract : Bioengineered nanomedicines for modulation of intestinal anti-diabetic peptide delivery