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Chun Xia Zhao

Chun Xia Zhao

The University of Queensland, Australia


Chun-Xia Zhao is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow and Associate group leader at Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology at The University of Queensland, Australia. She leads a research team with a focus on bio-inspired engineering and microfluidics. She has been focusing on innovative research as evidenced by her four patents. Dr Zhao’s research has attracted more than $2.5 M in research funding since 2011, including four Australian Research Council projects as the lead investigator, two national prestigious fellowship, and six UQ grants. Dr Zhao has been recognised for scientific excellence with a 2016 UQ Foundation Research Excellence Award. She has built extensive collaborations with scientists at top universities such as Harvard University, Cornell University, etc. She was invited to visit Harvard University as a Fellow of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. She also serves as the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board member for several journals.


Abstract : Platform technologies for accelerating the translation of nanomedicine