Jamboor Vishwanatha
UNT Health Science Center, USA
Vishwanatha is a Regents Professor and Vice President for Diversity and International Programs, and Director of the Texas Center for Health Disparities at the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth. He is a principal investigator of the National Research Mentoring Network, a NIH Common Fund initiative to provide mentorship, networking and professional development for a diversified biomedical and behavioral workforce. Vishwanatha received his Ph.D. in biological sciences from the University of South Carolina in 1983.Vishwanatha’s research is in cancer molecular biology, experimental therapeutics and nanotechnology. His laboratory is investigating genetic markers that predict development of aggressive prostate and breast cancers, and nanotechnology-based therapies for breast and prostate cancers. Vishwanatha is actively involved in mentorship and networking programs to diversify the biomedical research workforce, and has mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students from under represented groups in biomedical sciences. As the director of the Texas Center for Minority Health, Education, Research and Outreach (Texas Center for Health Disparities), a Center of Excellence funded by the National institutes of Health, he has directed health disparity research, education and community outreach programs. For the past 11 years, he has organized the annual Texas Conference on Health Disparities that attract national speakers and participants. He serves on the external advisory committees for University of Puerto Rico-Cayey, PR; St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas; Alabama State University, Montgomery, Alabama; and Savannah State University, Savannah, Georgia.
Abstract : Bone Microenvironment Targeted Nanoparticles for Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treatment