Akhilesh Dubey
Nitte University, India
Developed and evaluated niosomes a kind of nano-vesicular surfactant based drug delivery system for diabetic drug and it was found to be promising and effective drug delivery system. Research paper was published in Journal of Young Pharmacist in 2010. Associated with many projects related to vesicular systems and published few papers in reputed journals. February 2013. Reviewed project for Nano and Advanced materials Institute Limited (NAMI), Hong Kong, under 13th round of the subject “Development of nano-vesicular delivery systems for use in skincare products.” Won the honorarium of 128 USD. Beside this reviewed more than 20 research papers for various reputed journals like Elsevier, Bentham Science and Pubmed Index Journals. Editorial Board member of various reputed journals like Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Drug Research, International Research Journal of Pharmacy, Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy: Biomedicine Journal etc. Assisted graduate students performing projects on various nano vesicular systems like liposomes, niosomes, nano lipid carrier (NLCs). Executed doctoral research activity with students and research scholars. Developed stimuli-sensitive hydrogels and nano vesicular systems for the treatment of Glaucoma. Successfully completed project on NLCs and developed formulation for cosmetic skin care. Various papers were published in reputed impact factor journals. Recently published work in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics in impact factor 3.976 could be the milestone in the field of cosmetic skin care and nano technology. Mentored post graduate students conducting research projects. Till date 13 projects were completed and 1 Ph.D research project going to commence. More than 37 Publications were accomplished with over 180 citations. Presented research paper in various conferences and seminars. Most recently bagged best oral presentation award in World congress in drug discovery and development 2016, held at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.